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Arzator Outrest Camping Stove

Preț cu TVA: 179 RON
Greutate: 0.242 kg

Cod produs: 540-004
Producător: Outrest

Arzator Outrest Camping Stove


The Outrest camping stove is a foldable solid fuel stove , designed for bushcraft enthusiasts and people looking for lightweight and modular solutions.

The Outrest cooker has a foldable structure made entirely of solid sheet steel . The cooker consists of a total of 7 elements , the assembly of which is simple and takes only a few dozen seconds.

After folding and packing into an aluminum box,  the stove takes up little space in a backpack , which makes it much easier to carry. When unfolded, the cooker has dimensions of 80 × 160 mm.The biggest advantage of the stove is the easy availability of fuel , because unlike gas stoves, the Outrest model can be powered by solid fuel available in the forest, i.e. cones, wood, leaves and dry needles .




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