Husă Clear Cube L Exped

Producător: Exped
Preț cu TVA: 219 197.1 RON
Cel mai mic preț: 52.50 RON
Economisiți: 21.90 RON (-10%)

Greutate: 0.061 kg
Cod produs: EXP537

Husă Clear Cube L Exped

The Clear Cube is an ultra-light, transparent pouch with zipper.

The two transparent TPU panels allow good overview. The welded fabric provides maximum protection against moisture, but also prevents leakage of liquids. Due to the weatherproof zipper, the contents are always easily accessible.

The four practical sizes and eye-catching colors provide the very best organization.

  • Dimensiuni: 25 x 18 x 10 cm
  • Volum : 6 L
  • Greutate: 51 g

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