Priza antrenament YY Verical Triangle

Producător: YY Vertical
Preț cu TVA: 222 177.6 RON
Cel mai mic preț: 239.20 RON
Economisiți: 44.40 RON (-20%)
Stoc epuizat
Greutate: 0.16 kg
Cod produs: 218849-

Priza antrenament YY Verical Triangle

Sold in pairs, the Triangles, made of recycled rubber wood, allow a complete and progressive training according to the climber's level. Their unique design offers 4 different types of holds (25mm, 20mm, 15mm, mono) + tray and a very easy to use with its 360° system: Turn to change holds! Compact and very light (130g / unit), they can follow you in all your adventures indoors and outdoors. The Triangles offer a soft-touch surface whose comfort and grip will convince climbers. Designed for warming up and training in suspension and traction exercises to strengthen the passive and active structures of the fingers, arms and back.

DIMENSIONS 12cm x 12cm x 3cm

WEIGHT 130g / unit

Pretul este pt un set de 2 buc




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