Priza antrenament YY Verical Duo

Producător: YY Vertical
Preț cu TVA: 87 69.6 RON
Cel mai mic preț: 87.00 RON
Economisiți: 17.40 RON (-20%)
Stoc epuizat
Greutate: 0.16 kg
Cod produs: 218810-

Priza antrenament YY Verical Duo

The Duo is a lightweight climbing accessory specially designed for training, it allows you to isolate the muscular and tendon development of one or two fingers (25mm deep two-finger grip). The Duo will prepare your fingers for all kinds of grips! It can be used with a light load with an elastic or a weight or simply with body weight by hanging it on the first quickdraw or a tree. With its sober design made from recycled rubber wood, the Duo offers a soft-touch surface whose comfort and grip will convince climbers.

DIMENSIONS 8cm x 5.5cm x 3cm


Pretul este pentru 1 set de 2 buc

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